Decentralized Food Distribution Organisation

Decentralized Food Distribution Organisation

05 December 2020
This post is a thought experiment of how we might design a scalable food distribution program that encourages philanthropy, protects the identity of the vulnerable and be resistant to fraud.
Running a Peer Promotion Nomination

Running a Peer Promotion Nomination

03 December 2020
The last thing the leaders want is to promote someone in the team who does not have the desired behavior or values of the team or organisation. How do you do that in a team of over 100 people?
Electronic Transferable Record on Blockchain

Electronic Transferable Record on Blockchain

01 December 2020
In this paper I outline how we can built an application leveraging on consensus mechanisms of blockchain to fulfill MLETR requirements.
Passive Investing Strategies with Cryptocurrency

Passive Investing Strategies with Cryptocurrency

29 November 2020
You have purchased your first Bitcoin or Ether, now what? In this post I’ll share some of my favorite ways of making the cryptos work for me.
ZKP in Civic Tech - Re-imagining Identity Infrastructures

ZKP in Civic Tech - Re-imagining Identity Infrastructures

14 November 2020
In this article, I share how ZKP can be used in CivicTech to create the next generation of public goods where government, businesses and citizens can better infrastructure to collaborate with one another. Specifically, I will explore 3 use cases where ZKP can be applied.
I've lost $5000 over the last two weeks in decentralized finance farming yield. Here's my story.

I've lost $5000 over the last two weeks in decentralized finance farming yield. Here's my story.

30 September 2020
Decentralized finance has been quite the hype for the past few months and I've finally decided to get my feet wet two weeks ago after my friend repeatedly prompted me to. Here's what I've learned after losing ~$5000 on yield farming.
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